• Hi!, First of all, thank you very much for this fantastic plugin! It works great!

    However, I would like to ask you if it is possible for the blog subscribers to receive the New entries emails just in their preferred language without these prefix format [:es][:], as it is a bit messy to read the titles and the content in both languages

    This is what subscribers received in their mails


    [:es]Texto del post[:]

    Is there any way to fix this problem?

    I would be very thankful for a solution!
    Greetings from Spain!

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    I think your email plugin is not compatible with WPM.
    I guess it sending email taking posts directly from the database
    btw you don’t say how you send mail.

    Maybe another plugin can help you? or you need function to process text before sending

    Thread Starter kirasunn


    Hi @dmzw

    I work with WordPress.com, so I haven’t installed any plugin to send the posts to the blog subscribers. It does it automatically.

    I commented the issue with the WordPress Support team and they said it is something to do with WP Multilang.

    In the meantime, I will try to find if there is another plugin to fix this issue.

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