• Can someone please tell me how I can remove the sidebar from my homepage but keep it on other pages if I wish to do so?

    My site is https://www.bestbooksplus.com

    Sorry if this is a well known question. I know nothing about WordPress or PHP and I my site is new.

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  • The topic: “How to Remove Sidebar????” that’s what I’m trying to do.

    I’m having trouble applying the template…

    I created a file called forum.php based on page.php,

    I added the code:

    Template Name: forum

    I also tried
    Template Name: forum.php

    I deleted

    <?php get_sidebar(); ?>

    and I’m not showing any template files.

    I guess I need to know if I perhaps have this file in the wrong directory or have missed some other step…

    Thread Starter bestbooks


    Hey Moshu, who are you arguing with silly? Not me I hope.

    MOSHU!!!!!! I THINK your code worked!!! Well, if you’re not a coder, I sure am surprised at your guess.

    I am so happy now! I will test this more and let you know if it is working.

    you should read (more carefully) and post less…


    Thread Starter bestbooks


    Well, I spoke to soon. I have a page I created that I want to act like the homepage (for now) but now I don’t know how to make the page I created the homepage so the sidebar doesn’t show up.

    And of course, once I create an actual homepage it is going to create another problem because the page that I have now will move and I will still want the sidebar removed from it. And this just seems like a very difficult task. ??

    Yes, that complicates it a lot! (although you didn’t say anything about this page to front thingy till now – so, I assumed you just wanted a normal blog)

    On a usual Page it would be easy to modify the code I gavce above… but I didn’t experience yet with the new “use a Page as frontpage” feature combined with the conditional tags. Sorry.

    Thread Starter bestbooks


    It’s okay. Thanks for taking the time to help Moshu.

    Guess will just have to live with it for now.

    Here is my WP website strategic-publications.net

    Yes, the “use a Page as Frontpage” feature is tricky. Hopefully we’ll be able to figure it out. And be “we’ll” I mean the WordPress community.

    Thanks again Moshu. Please let me know if you think of anything else since you seem to fully grasp what I am trying to accomplish. :o)

    Hi; i need some help! i have removed sidebar from my home page but still the background color of sidebar is showing. how can i remove this background color. Plz help!



    Sorry to say know one actually answered the question, how do you remove the sdiebar from the homw page ?

    I’ve tried deleting <?php get_sidebar();?> from everywhere it is chown but this doesn’t work.

    i think we would all like a definitaive answer to this.



    Here’s a definitive answer: it does work.

    … Unless you’re using a theme that didn’t come with WordPress, in which case the sidebar may not be in a separate sidebar file…



    A really informative topic…. I think it shows that there are loads of issues with some templates and not with others.

    I tried all these tips and i’m left with no sidebar on my custom page and a gap….now then back to the drawing board!

    thanks for the info guys

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