Hi @anastas10s,
Yoast is installed, but I disabled the schema it was adding.
Anyway, long story. It began with receiving these errors from Google:
Missing field “shippingDetails” (in “offers”)
Missing field “hasMerchantReturnPolicy
To get rid of those errors, I added schema for them via a plugin, but that did not fix it. Then I discovered that Yoast was also adding schema, so I disabled that to avoid conflict. Still, the Google errors remained. Then I noticed in the page source code another line containing schema (is it from WooCommerce?).
My short-term goal is to get rid of those Google errors to avoid a lower page rank. My long-term goal is to have schema on the site without getting those errors. Unfortunately, Yoast does not yet support the two missing schemas mentioned above, otherwise, there would be no issue.
My next thought was to remove schema from the site entirely, so that Google does not look for missing schema.
Obviously, I don’t know what I’m doing and am probably going about this all wrong. I should probably just ignore the errors and wait for Yoast to update their plugin. What do you think?