• Hi everyone,

    I have install and activate Ultimate Member plugin. It is working Properly.
    But I am facing one issue. Scenario is, I have added all five to 7 pages Login, Logout, Register, Account, Members, Password Reset and User in Primary Menus. So all links are showing in Header Menus.
    But it is wrong. I want only Logged in user can able to see links Logout, Account links And only Logout user can see links like Login, Register, Password Reset etc in Menus.

    Ex. Right now, if I am logged in, then I am able to see Register and Login links. This should not happened.
    Instead of this, I should not able to see login and Register Links.

    Any Help Please?
    Thanks in Advance.


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  • Plugin Contributor Champ Camba



    Have you checked the Menu UM options? We have an option for menu visibility.


    I am having same issue, where are these UM menu options, I’ve looked all through the UM settings and can’t find them. I’m using WP 4.5 and UM 1.3.49.
    I also installed the Google reCAPTCHA plugin 1.0.2 but it doesn’t appear as a tab in the UM list.

    Thread Starter pkbonzer


    Hi Champ,

    Thanks for quick reply.

    I have checked Menu UM Options, when I had posted above issue. But I was not able to see any Menu Um Options in Menus.
    I am using WordPress 4.5 version.

    But now, I have reinstalled Ultimate Members plugin and check for Menu UM options with default settings (UM Default setting just after install). And now, I am able to see ‘UltimateMember Menu Settings’ for each Menu item in Menu Section.

    But now, I am facing new issue with ‘UltimateMember Menu Settings’. I have Menu Item as ‘Logout’ and I want this link should be displayed in front end Menu if User (with any role Member/Admin) is logged in.
    So, as per settings in Menus >> Menu Item, I have selected ‘Logged In Users’ option and under ‘Select the member roles that can see this link’ I want to select both roles ‘Members’ and ‘Admin’, but it does not allow me to save both roles. Though I have ticked ‘Members’ and ‘Admin’ checkboxes and saved menu, but it will save only one of them.
    Due to this, if ‘Admin’ option get saved, in menus in front end, I am able to see Logout link for ‘Admin’ user who logged in and if Member is Logged in, then he is not able to see Logout link in front end.

    Is there any setting in plugin that restricting me to save Menu item for both users ‘Members’ and ‘Admin’?? How to Save both roles for one Menu Item?

    Please Help.

    Thread Starter pkbonzer


    For this,
    How to remove Logout,Register, Account link from Menus if user is logged in?
    I think, I have messed up ‘Ultimate Plugin settings’ and so previously, I was not able to see ‘Menu Um Options in Menus’. But, after reinstalled plugin OR Resetting All settings to default, I was able to see ‘Menu Um Options in Menus’.

    The ‘Menu Um Options in Menus’ is probably the proper answer, however I use:

    • Exclude Pages from Navigation Version 1.92 By Simon Wheatley
    • Provides a checkbox on the editing page which you can check to exclude pages from the primary navigation. IMPORTANT NOTE: This will remove the pages from any “consumer” side page listings, which may not be limited to your page navigation listings.
    • Simple Access Control Version 1.4 By Peter Wooster
    • Allows authors to restrict access to pages and posts to logged in/out users (this makes it so you can set it up for ‘Login’ showing up when logged out and ‘Logout’ showing up when logged in).
    Plugin Author Ultimate Member


    Can you please update to latest version and test again. Thanks.

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