How to remove logo image from other pages (WooTheme – Artificer)
Hi guys, I am a newbie to WordPress so if you can answer, please could you describe in simple terms!
I installed the Artificer theme and added a logo which then appears on every page! However, I only want the logo to appear on the “homepage” only. At the moment it appears in the header on every page! I’ve tried things like editing CSS code but no luck ??
Please help! I’m desperate!
Link should work, can’t remember if I had maintenance mode on or off
Just use
<?php if( is_home() ){ //Logo Here }?>
Do I add this to the CSS editor section?? Is that down the right hand side is says stylesheet.css ??
Hi ameredith
This might be a bit easier, if a bit longer.
First you need to find the page id of your home page. You can do that by watching this
Next, add the following code to your styles.css sheet. If you look at the second rule you will see an “X” for the page id. You need to change that the home page id. So if your home page id is 6 than the rule is .page-id-6 #header… etc.
This will let your logo display on the homepage, but it will not appear on other pages, nor will it screw up the spacing in the header.
#header #logo { margin-right: 1em; visibility: hidden; } .page-id-X #header #logo { margin-right: 1em; visibility: visible; }
One quick but important note on modifying the style.css file of your theme. When you update your theme that file will almost certainly be overwritten and all the custom code you added will be erased. It would be better to add this to a child theme or download a plugin like this one that lets you add a custom css sheet. That way you are better protected when you update your theme.
Best of Luck
MikeThanks Mike! I will give this a go in the next few days
Hi guys,
i have the exact same problem :(,Logo is on all my pages
how to remove .. ??I only want the logo to appear on the “homepage” only.this is my style.css
Theme Name: ColorSnap
Description: Instantly change the entire color scheme to any color you can imagine with just one simple setting! Also, easily set your own custom logo/header and background. Also responsive! Simply set your favorite color under Appearance > Theme Color in your WP admin and save. Thank you. – Official Support Forum:
Author: Bryan Hadaway
Author URI:
Version: 1.0.4
Tags: black, blue, brown, gray, green, orange, pink, purple, red, silver, tan, white, yellow, dark, light, two-columns, right-sidebar, fixed-width, flexible-width, custom-header, custom-background, custom-colors, custom-menu, featured-images, microformats, post-formats, sticky-post, theme-options, threaded-comments, translation-ready
License: GNU General Public License
License URI: WordPress Theme ? 2013 Bryan Hadaway
ColorSnap is distributed under the terms of the GNU GPL
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