• I can’t believe how hard this is!

    I’ve read a dozen posts with the same question and I couldn’t figure out to make any of the offered solutions work.

    I am using Theme Twenty Ten 1.3 and I am building a website and not a blog, so I don’t want a reply box at the bottom of every page.

    I don’t have any checked boxes under Settings – Discussion.

    Many of the anwers I have found have recommended changing the php code.

    I would love to try that except I have no idea where to start looking for this code. I feel like I have been on every page of my WordPress site 3 dozen times.

    I just don’t understand why there isn’t a simple checkbox for removing the Leave a Reply box since WordPress is being used for websites as well as blogs now.

    Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated. I know there must be an answer I can understand somewhere!

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  • Thank you very much ??

    The blank comments.php file certainly helps to remove ‘Leave a Reply’ from the bottom of my non-blog pages (thanks for the tip).

    However, I still have an unwanted blog-related line of content on my non-blog static pages:
    ‘Posted on September 1, 2012 by [author name] — No Comments’

    I am currently using a theme called Responsive and this does not have any files called loop-page.php, loop-single.php, or loop.php – so I downloaded the entire directory (wp-content/themes/responsive) and searched the files for any instance of the phrase comments_template
    File list found:
    …I have commented out (removed) the line of code near the bottom of all of these files containing the phrase comments_template but still my line of unwanted content about the author of the post (which isn’t a post) remains.

    In the individual page’s Screen Options (top right hand corner of Back Office for the page) none of the boxes are checked. Solution: commenting out the entire div for ‘post-meta’ from single.php and from full-width-page.php and then uploading those two files. The specific lines in the latter of these two files were numbered 37-58 when viewed in Notepad++.

    Hope this might help someone else (it’s a closely related issue that I dealt with at the same time as sorting out how to remove ‘Leave a Reply’ box from my pages).

    Hi All,

    I still could not figure out how to do what you all recommended – i.e. find the single loop php or even locate the File Manager.

    So, here is what I did and it worked ; ) This is for all of you out there who are clueless like me!

    1. Go to Dashboard

    2. Go to Appearance

    3. Select Editor

    4. On the right hand side it has a list under the word Templates.

    5. Select the one that says comments.

    6. I deleted the entire section, all text.

    7. Save changes.

    8. Done.

    I know this is totally amateur and probably not recommended but hey, I am an amateur ; )

    Guys, why are you messing around with code? This is wordpress, its never that difficult, the hard stuff has already been done for you.

    Aron has already told you how to do this i a previous post. When you remove it in settings/discussions it only affects new post and pages. So you have to remove it from already published posts and pages by doing what Nell says:

    “I was trying to find this out for the Twenty Eleven theme and came across the solution by accident. You don’t need to amend code, at least not in this theme.

    – Go to the PAGE in question and select edit
    – At top right in edit mode there is a small box called ‘screen options’
    – Checkmark the Discussion box
    – Scroll down to bottom of the page
    – Uncheck both ‘Allow comments’ and ‘Allow trackbacks…’
    – Update the PAGE

    You will need to do this for each individual page.”

    Thank Nell265! it is as simple as a few click! no need to mess with the codes in FTP

    This has been the most frustrating thing ever! I have done what every one says. And no WORDPRESS isn’t so easy you don’t have to mess with code. I have nothing checked or marked in ADMIN SETTINGS or on individual posts to enable anyone to comment. The LEAVE A REPLY box is still there. So I did the // before the Comments Template and the REPLY did disappear. However, my entire right sidebar disappeared from the main page and my side widgets only appeared on post pages! Which means my twitter etc ended up not o he home page but on posts and pages. https://www.55plusmoney.com and I am using Magazine Basic by Bavota. he says we don’t need to adjust code either and mentions the comments the Johns makes but they don’t work. HELP!!! I want this to appear more like a website than a blog and that Leave A reply has to go. Thanks

    On WP 3.3.2 To remove the “Leave a Reply” open Pages = On the page you want to remove “leave a reply” click on “Quick Edit” and uncheck “Allow Comments” box

    Sweet & Smart answer by HIWD, working very well thanks HIWD ??


    I have done as mentioned in the above – Go to page – edit page – uncheck the discussion and comments boxes – update BUT Leave a reply is STILL there. I would try the ftp solution but I don’t know where to find the ftp. please can someone tell me where this is. Any help appreciated.


    please start your own topic – and post more details such as a link to your site.

    I tried editing the single.php and edited out ‘comments_template’ line but no luck. However, when I just receated a new blank comments.php file that did the trick.
    Thanks for all the help on here, its a life saver!

    THANK YOU Nell265! So simple and straight forward. Much appreciated!

    That worked wonderfully with the 2012 theme. Thanks!!

    So I was scanning through all these suggestions about editing code and creating new templates and blah blah. Everyone seems to have looked over 2 people’s suggestions which inevitably are the easiest and seems to be the correct solution.

    I figured out that if I go into the pages from the dashboard, and hover each page it offers QuickEdit as one of the choices for a page. Select that and uncheck the Allow Comments checkbox. I think that may get the result you were looking for.


    On WP 3.3.2 To remove the “Leave a Reply” open Pages = On the page you want to remove “leave a reply” click on “Quick Edit” and uncheck “Allow Comments” box

    This works beautifully without editing anything.

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