• Hello!!!

    I have no background in coding or website management and am trying to change a hard coded phone number in my companies website https://azmultifamilyadvisors.com/.

    I went through Appearance –> Themes –> editor and then opened my header.php file and can easily see where the phone number is hard coded.

    </div><!-- .col -->
    				<div class="col-md-3 col-md-offset-6 text-right phone-number">
    					<span class="triangle"><a href="tel:6025404870">602-540-4870</a></span>
    				</div><!-- .col -->

    I go in and very carefully change where the phone number is an then update file. However, when I do that, I get the error message:

    Fatal error: Call to undefined method WPaaS\Cache::flush() in /home/content/a2pnexwpnas02_data03/72/3474672/html/wp-content/mu-plugins/gd-system-plugin/includes/admin/class-file-editor.php on line 124

    Is there a way to fix this or am I just SOL?

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  • Moderator Steven Stern (sterndata)


    Volunteer Forum Moderator

    apparently, Go Daddy doesn’t like that.

    Download the file via FTP, edit it, and upload the changed file.

    You might also try sequentially disabling plugins–disable a plugin, attempt to update the phone number, repeat.

    Once you find the offending plugin, you can simply remove it or find a viable replacement that doesn’t cause issues with your site (and that doesn’t exist on GoDaddy’s Blacklisted Plugins).


    Looks like you got it fixed, @kthom. That’s awesome!

    Was it an easy fix?

    Thread Starter kthom


    Thank you both for your responses and help!!

    I’m not 100% sure what actually was the final trick!

    I had flushed my cache and tried to make the edits (an initial response from godaddy) and still had no luck.

    I was definitely tentative to even change the file and reupload because of my very limited experience with websites and my original webmaster told me if I tried to change it I could/would break the site.

    Tried disabling one of the plugins that looked like it would relate to the problem and still got errors!

    I gave up for the day, tried again the next day and somehow it went through!

    Well played! Sometimes one just has to step away from the keyboard, decompress and try again later. ??

    Glad it worked for you, @kthom.

    All the best!!

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