• Resolved annie hearts



    I’m a newbie here and I need help. I’m using the twenty twelve theme. I’ve created a child theme, which is working well so far.

    I’m trying to remove this text that is appearing under all my posts:

    Editing: Encoding: Use code editor Save Changes

    I really have no idea how to fix this.

    My WP website: https://www.anniehearts.com/blog
    I’ve also made an iFrame on my iWeb site at https://www.anniehearts.com

    Any help is greatly appreciated!

Viewing 7 replies - 1 through 7 (of 7 total)
  • That’s not coming from the Twenty Twelve theme. Have you tried deactivating all plugins?

    Thread Starter annie hearts


    Hi esmi,

    Thanks for your quick response!

    I just deactivated all my plugins and it’s still there…

    What happens if you switch to the unedited parent theme?

    Thread Starter annie hearts


    Ah – it’s gone! But so are all my child theme changes.

    Does it help if I send you the code in my child theme? Here’s what’s in style.css:
    Theme Name: Twenty Twelve Child
    Theme URI: https://anniehearts.com/blog
    Description: Child theme for the Twenty Twelve theme
    Author: Annie
    Author URI: https://anniehearts.com/blog/
    Template: twentytwelve
    Version: 0.1.0
    @import url(“../twentytwelve/style.css”);

    .post img, .post a img { border:0px solid #222; padding:0; margin:0; background:#555; }

    .site-header h1 a, .site-header h2, .entry-header h1 a {
    color: #CC0033;
    display: inline-block;
    text-decoration: none;

    and what’s in content.php:

    <article id="post-<?php the_ID(); ?>" <?php post_class(); ?>>
    		<?php if ( is_sticky() && is_home() && ! is_paged() ) : ?>
    		<div class="featured-post">
    			<?php _e( 'Featured post', 'twentytwelve' ); ?>
    		<?php endif; ?>
    		<header class="entry-header">
    			<?php the_post_thumbnail(); ?>
    			<?php if ( is_single() ) : ?>
    			<h1 class="entry-title"><?php the_title(); ?></h1>
    			<?php else : ?>
    			<h1 class="entry-title">
    				<a>" title="<?php echo esc_attr( sprintf( __( 'Permalink to %s', 'twentytwelve' ), the_title_attribute( 'echo=0' ) ) ); ?>" rel="bookmark"><?php the_title(); ?></a>
    			<?php endif; // is_single() ?>
    		</header><!-- .entry-header -->
    		<?php if ( is_search() ) : // Only display Excerpts for Search ?>
    		<div class="entry-summary">
    			<?php the_excerpt(); ?>
    		</div><!-- .entry-summary -->
    		<?php else : ?>
    		<div class="entry-content">
    			<?php the_content( __( 'Continue reading <span class="meta-nav">→</span>', 'twentytwelve' ) ); ?>
    			<?php wp_link_pages( array( 'before' => '<div class="page-links">' . __( 'Pages:', 'twentytwelve' ), 'after' => '</div>' ) ); ?>
    		</div><!-- .entry-content -->
    		<?php endif; ?>
    		<?php if ( comments_open() ) : ?>
    				<div class="comments-link">
    					<?php comments_popup_link( '<span class="leave-reply">' . __( 'Comment', 'twentytwelve' ) . '</span>', __( '1 Reply', 'twentytwelve' ), __( '% Replies', 'twentytwelve' ) ); ?>
    				</div><!-- .comments-link -->
    			<?php endif; // comments_open() ?>
    		<footer class="entry-meta">
    			<?php twentytwelve_entry_meta(); ?>
    			<?php edit_post_link( __( 'Edit', 'twentytwelve' ), '<span class="edit-link">', '</span>' ); ?>
    			<?php if ( is_singular() && get_the_author_meta( 'description' ) && is_multi_author() ) : // If a user has filled out their description and this is a multi-author blog, show a bio on their entries. ?>
    				<div class="author-info">
    					<div class="author-avatar">
    						<?php echo get_avatar( get_the_author_meta( 'user_email' ), apply_filters( 'twentytwelve_author_bio_avatar_size', 68 ) ); ?>
    					</div><!-- .author-avatar -->
    					<div class="author-description">
    						<h2><?php printf( __( 'About %s', 'twentytwelve' ), get_the_author() ); ?></h2>
    						<p><?php the_author_meta( 'description' ); ?></p>
    						<div class="author-link">
    							<a>" rel="author">
    								<?php printf( __( 'View all posts by %s <span class="meta-nav">→</span>', 'twentytwelve' ), get_the_author() ); ?>
    						</div><!-- .author-link	-->
    					</div><!-- .author-description -->
    				</div><!-- .author-info -->
    			<?php endif; ?>
    		</footer><!-- .entry-meta -->
    	</article><!-- #post -->
    Editing:   Encoding:      Use code editor       Save Changes

    [Please post code or markup between backticks or use the code button. Or better still – use a pastebin. Your posted code has now been permanently damaged/corrupted by the forum’s parser.]


    Try removing Editing: Encoding: Use code editor Save Changes from the bottom of your child’s content.php template file.

    Thread Starter annie hearts


    It worked and now I have revealed myself as a total amateur! :))

    I started working on the website on Tuesday and I’m learning so much my head is spinning!

    Thanks for solving this so quickly, esmi!

    I have revealed myself as a total amateur!

    We all have days when we need a extra pair of eyes. ??

    Glad to hear that this is now sorted.

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