We understand you are concerned with removing the /product-category/ from a product URL. We can see how this might give you pause. We are happy to take a look! Let’s see what is going on.
None of the Yoast plugins have the ability to remove /product-category/. We had a request to implement this but it was closed as it does not have an SEO benefit and WooCommerce themselves advise against it. You can view the closed request here https://github.com/Yoast/wpseo-woocommerce/issues/87.
If you still want to remove it, we suggest contacting WooCommerce for more information. They may have a code snippet that can do that. You may contact WooCommerce here: https://woocommerce.com/contact-us/.
However, if you want to remove the standard /category/
base from post URLs, you can find the option from the SEO → Search Appearance → Taxonomies (tab). You can find the relevant option at the very bottom of the relevant page.
We hope this points you in the right direction! Please let us know if you have any other questions; we’re happy to help.