It seems to me that the code from the Dashboard Widgets API is fairly clear in how to remove core dashboard widgets. It’s not as simple as saying “remove dashboard widget”, but it’s still possible using a themes files rather than modifying the core.
See the section “Advanced: Removing Dashboard Widgets”. Code copied is followed:
// Create the function to use in the action hook
function example_remove_dashboard_widgets() {
// Globalize the metaboxes array, this holds all the widgets for wp-admin
global $wp_meta_boxes;
// Remove the quickpress widget
// Remove the incomming links widget
// Hoook into the 'wp_dashboard_setup' action to register our function
add_action('wp_dashboard_setup', 'example_remove_dashboard_widgets' );
It would be nice to have a complementary function to the “wp_add_dashboard_widget” function called “wp_remove_dashboard_widget”. Maybe that will be in a future release.