Hi youngr and others. First post here.
Actually I registered because i finally saw a chance to help someone out after having consulted this forum multiple times for myself.
The solution to your problem youngr, should be this. Deepbevel almost had it right… he deleted more of the code then he should have deleted. also, commenting is better I’d say. This way you can still ‘revive’ that piece of code.
I hope This thread can be marked as ‘resolved’ now. Does it work? It works with me.
// i have taken out the bookmark this permalink text by commenting out the bookmarking part on line 37. Line 35 and 39 commented out so server doesn’t load stuff needlessly //
if ( '' != $tag_list ) {
$utility_text = __( 'This entry was posted in %1$s and tagged %2$s by <a href="%6$s">%5$s</a>. <!-- Bookmark the <a href="%3$s" title="Permalink to %4$s" rel="bookmark">permalink</a>. -->', 'twentyeleven' );
} elseif ( '' != $categories_list ) {
$utility_text = __( 'This entry was posted in %1$s by <a href="%6$s">%5$s</a>. <!-- Bookmark the <a href="%3$s" title="Permalink to %4$s" rel="bookmark">permalink</a>. -->', 'twentyeleven' );
} else {
$utility_text = __( 'This entry was posted by <a href="%6$s">%5$s</a>. <!-- Bookmark the <a href="%3$s" title="Permalink to %4$s" rel="bookmark">permalink</a>.-->', 'twentyeleven' );
https://pastebin.com/z1X0efZ8 That is a link to pastebin with the same code. Compare your code to mine to see the difference.