• Hello everyone,

    I am admittedly very new to WordPress and any sort of coding. My business was in dire need of a new website so my coworker and I have worked together and created one. It’s nothing fancy but overall we’re happy with what we’ve got so far and are excited to work out little bugs and tweak it.

    One of the main things I would like to change is the placement of the slider. I would like to remove it from all pages except for the front page / posts page. I feel like it’s too clunky to have on every single page that loads. Eventually I’ll find a smaller / sleeker slider but for now I’d just like to have it on the front page only.

    I’ve looked this up and tried some of the suggestions others have, but I think they were looking to do something slightly different than me.

    Here is our website. I’d gladly provide any other information that may aid in someone helping me out.

    Thanks a lot!

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  • Is the slider part of our theme or is it a plugin? If it is the former, what theme are you using & where did you download it from?

    Thread Starter Levspawnshop


    Thanks for the response!

    I am using the zeeBusiness theme, but the free version for now. I think the Pro version has a built-in slider which I’d really like to use, but I have to convince my boss it’s worth it to pay for a Pro version first, haha.

    The slider is a plug-in which I found just by searching within WordPress for one. It’s called SP Header image slider.

    I hope this information helps. I really appreciate you taking the time to respond!

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