how to reinstall previous version of wordpress
I currently have wp 4.4.2 and I want to reinstall 4.3.3, how would I go about that? Thanks in advance
this is the remainder of that widget code now that I removed that snippet from the end. Do you see any other problems with it? Or do I have yet another issue?
<style type="text/css" media="screen"> .gr_container { font-family:"Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; width: 250px; } .gr_book_container { border-bottom: 0px solid #256298; padding: 5px 0px; } .gr_book_image { float: left; padding-right: 20px; } .gr_book_title {} .gr_review_stats {} </style> <div id="gr_author_widget_1452975640"> <!-- Include static html in case javascript is not supported. This will be overridden if things are working. --> <div class="gr_container"> <div class="gr_book_container"> <a title="Mylea: The Journey Begins" class="gr_book_image" href="" target="top"><img alt="Mylea: The Journey Begins" border="0" src="" /></a> <a class="gr_book_title" href="" target="top">Mylea: The Journey Begins</a> <br/> <div class="gr_review_stats"> reviews: 10 <br/> ratings: 18 (avg rating 4.39) </div> <br style="clear: both"/> </div> <div class="gr_book_container"> <a title="The Krakow Klub" class="gr_book_image" href="" target="top"><img alt="The Krakow Klub" border="0" src="" /></a> <a class="gr_book_title" href=""target="top" >The Krakow Klub</a> <br/> <div class="gr_review_stats"> reviews: 11 <br/> ratings: 12 (avg rating 3.75) </div> <br style="clear: both"/> </div> <div class="gr_book_container"> <a title="Secrets of Sand Mountain" class="gr_book_image" href="" target="top"><img alt="Secrets of Sand Mountain" border="0" src="" /></a> <a class="gr_book_title" href="" target="top">Secrets of Sand Mountain</a> <br/> <div class="gr_review_stats"> reviews: 2 <br/> ratings: 3 (avg rating 5.00) </div> <br style="clear: both"/> </div> </div> </div>
will deactivating the other plugins erase my settings with them when I go to reactivate them? Same question for the theme.
also, I am assuming you are running jet pack? so can skip that one?
Most likely not, but it’s impossible to say. The vast majority don’t delete anything unless you tell them to, but some might.
If you’re concerned you should backup your database before you do anything. That way if anything bad does happen you’ll be able to restore that and have the site back to how it was, or is now.
okay, I deactivated every plugin except the snappy, including the jetpack and it is still not working…so does that mean it is the theme? which by the by is a premium paid for one.
No, I don’t run Jetpack, so that could still be a problem for your site. Even though it’s well supported it has been known to have a few clashes from time to time.
No, when I say I deactivated all the plugins, I meant jetpack too..the only plugin that was active was the snappy list and it still did not work.
Then it could be the theme. That’s why I said before to change the theme as well.
If it does turn out to be the theme you’ll need to go back to the vendor and ask them for support on this. If it doesn’t turn out to be that… then I’m about out if ideas. Unless you’ve got some caching plugin/system that’s blocking some JavaScript, then there’s really nothing obvious left.
how do I back up my data before changing themes?
okay, I deactivated the theme and activated twenty fifteen instead, but when I went to the site to try snappy again, there was nothing on the site at all, so have no freaking way of knowing if it is the theme or not…any other suggestions?
At this point, no.
To go any further than this you’d need to know at least a bit about programming and debugging for yourself. Then you’d be able to look into the code a bit more and see what’s actually going on in there.
The only things that I can suggest now are going back to the themes author ot see if they can help, and if that doesn’t work, hire someone to try and fix the issue for you.
I even tried deactivating and deleting the snappy list plugin and reinstalling it to see if now that those errors you first found were gone, maybe it would work now, no such luck…obviously it is the theme, since it still would not work even after deactivating every single other plugin available…how much does it cost to hire someone to fix this if the themes author won’t (and trust me when I say that they are less than cooperative when it comes to something that they don’t consider their problem)…because this is my 78 yr old Dad’s website, who suddenly last year decided to become an indie author and doesn’t have a lot of money and I his disabled grandmotherly daughter, just happen to play around with this stuff as a hobby and don’t charge him for it LOL
How much it would cost is up to who ever wants to bid on the job. It’d be up to you to decide if you want to accept or not.
The other option is using a different system. There’s many different systems out there that will do the same thing as that plugin so it’s worth looking at a few more than you have already just in case one of them works.
As an example, I know that there’s various Mailchimp plugins that will ad dusers to lists in their system. While the plugins themselves don’t have the “free download” built in, you can set up your Mailchimp list to send a welcome message to new users that includes a download link. That’s just one example, but there’s many more out there.
I actually tried mailchimp first and for whatever reason, it would not work consistently…in other words, it worked for a few people trying to sign up, but not for others. I also downloaded and peeked at a few more, but they were way more complicated and unwieldy than I need. If I could find one as simplistic and easy to work with as Snappy List, I would be happy to change and try it, but I have literally spent the last three hair pulling days trying to find something that would work and be easy enough for me to understand and set up. I have sent an email to the support dept of creativo and hopefully will hear something positive back from them, but frankly when I raised an issue with being forced to use font awesome icons as they are prepackaged with the theme and not allowed to change to another, I don’t foresee much help coming from them…but will keep my fingers crossed and keep you posted if you would like. BTW, I see you are a word press developer, would you be interested in doing for a small fee and if so, how much? Either way, thank you so very much for your time and assistance !!
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