• Resolved prsc


    Thank you for the nice plugin as always.

    Is it possible to refresh the browser cache immediately after login? I’ve noticed that after login, some sections of my website display content intended for non-logged-in users due to browser caching.

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  • Under Performance –> Browser Cache.

    Scroll to HTML?&?XML and then Cache Control policy.

    It’s probably set to “cache with max-age (“public, max=age=EXPIRES_SECONDS”)”

    Change it to “cache with validation (“public, must-revalidate, proxy-revalidate”)”

    This should make it so you’re not seeing cached pages automatically when logging in. You may need to set the same setting under the “CSS?&?JS” and “Media & Other Files” sections as well if any of those assets need to be different / fresh when logging in.

    Plugin Contributor Marko Vasiljevic


    Hello @presscat2015

    Thank you for reaching out and I am happy to help!
    @endymion00 Thank you for your insights on this.
    @presscat2015 Please also make sure that the caching is disabled for logged in users in Performance>Page Cache.

    I hope this helps!


    Thread Starter prsc


    Thank you so much for your help, @endymion00 and @vmarko!

    I followed your guidance, but after logging in, some pages display the refreshed version, while others still show the cached version intended for non-logged-in users. If I refresh(F5) the cached pages, they show refreshed version then.

    I configured the options as follows: Under Performance -> Browser Cache -> HTML & XML -> Cache Control policy, I changed it to ‘cache with validation (“public, must-revalidate, proxy-revalidate”)’. I applied the same settings to the “CSS & JS” and “Media & Other Files” sections and also disabled caching for logged-in users under Performance -> Page Cache.

    Do you have any suggestions for what I should check next?

    Recent browser cached pages would still have the previous settings. So you would likely need to clear your browser cache and then it should work as expected.

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