Hi @noexitkk,
This has now been fixed and the new version is available.
if you ever need multilanguage support i can help you with russian
That would be great.
Are you familiar with translating WP plugins in general?
We have a POT file located in the “languages” directory.
Here is a step by step guide on how you can translate the plugin in your
1. Download and install Poedit (https://www.poedit.net/download.php)
2. Get the plugin’s POT file (simple-photo-gallery.pot). You can find this file inside the “languages”
folder of this plugin.
3. Run Poedit software (if it is not running alrady)
4. Open the POT file in Poedit. (Click the open link in the software then browse to the
POT file location and select that file)
5. Select each translatable text and add the translation in the box that says “Translation”
6. Finish translating the whole file.
7. Go to File -> Save as to save your translations in a PO file.
8. When you are finished translating, go to File -> Save as again to generate the MO file.
Or you can set your Poedit to always compile a MO file when saving changes by clicking
File -> Preferences and on the Editor tab check the Automatically compile .mo file on
save box.
9. Contact me and send us the translated .mo and .po files and we will add it to the plugin.
([email protected])