how to protect wp site from attacks
Hi all, I installed in one of our websites a forum and a blog (bbpress plugins, forum, bbp profile information, bbp online status, and bbp login register). The website is constantly under attack: even if I installed a strong reCAPTCHA, I have to manually delete hundreds of fake users registrations. 746 in last two months.
Please don’t consider this as a normal case: the fact is that the site owner has a serious problem: she is attacked by a stalker in real life, and I have evidences (also checking the IP addresses and some other info) that the major part of her site attacks come from this stalker (he asked help to some hackers). Tried also with Police, but … wasting of time (!).
Tried also with banhammer, but useless: only time spent to ban, delete, ban … any suggestion on how to solve? Thank you very much. Any help is appreciated.
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