If you have “so many unknown files and folders” as you put it, and you’re sure they’re not related to anything else but viruses and hack attempts, it might be a good idea to simply reset everything and start from scratch. You can:
1. Set up a local WordPress website on your own computer,
2. Rebuild the website there (manually),
3. Take a “clean” installable backup of your local website using a plugin (I find Duplicator to be the easiest, but there are more plugins),
4. Delete all the files, folders and the tables of the database from your hosted website (including WordPress core),
5. Install the local backup to the hosted website (the Duplicator plugin I mentioned has an install.php file for installing the backup without a WP core present),
There are also paid virus cleanup services (I know Sucuri offers one, but there are others) if you don’t want to go through rebuilding the website.
And finally, a note of caution: Some computer viruses (not website viruses) can infect your websites by connecting to them via (S)FTP using the credentials saved on the FTP client on your computer. If that’s the case, you might get reinfected every time you rebuild your website.
PS: I’m not affiliated with Duplicator or Sucuri in any way, and I only used them as examples because I knew about them.