• Hello everybody

    I have this problem and i need your help
    I created a custom type for posts named ‘business’ the business can have two custom taxonomies ‘area’ which is the area where the business is situated and
    ‘featured’ which can be a ‘simple’ or ‘payed’

    I have created a area-taxonomy.php template file and I want to show all the business in the selected area which are also ‘payed’

    Cant figure out two things:

    1. How do I get the term_id for the selected custom taxonomy (area) in order to use it in my query

    2. How do I make a query where both terms must be
    area => ‘selected_area’
    featured => ‘payed’

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  • Thread Starter satsilem



    Thank you for your help. I already tried the query-multiple-taxonomies plugin but it doesn’t seem to work !!!

    WordPress doesn’t have an API method of querying multiple taxonomies. I’ve tagged this post with the Query Mutliple Taxonomies tag so that scribu can see it. If you are interested, you might provide details about what is not working with that plugin.

    after much trying with the QMT plugin (with get_posts, query_posts, and a custom WP_Query object, etc, and using both array-type arguments and the ‘a=b&x=y’ format), I couldn’t get it to work either (WP 3.0 and 1.2.5alpha of the plugin). very confusing.

    as an alternative to this plugin, I wrote a very short function which will return posts/custom post types matching conditions for multiple taxonomies. (method: it iterates for each taxonomy, getting the list of post IDs at each step and feeding that list as the accepted list of IDs for each new query, thereby narrowing down the list.) I guess it’s not quite as efficient as doing it directly in SQL, but as far as I can tell it’s basically the same procedure as the plugin. seems to work nicely for me… so I leave it here in case it satsilem or anyone.

    the function returns an array of post objects, just like get_posts() would. so usage in the specified case would be:
    $posts = posts_search (‘business’,array(‘area’=>’selected_area’,’featured’=>’payed’));
    and then foreach ($posts as $post) and so on…

    function posts_search ($post_type,$taxonomies) { // $taxonomies should be an array ('taxonomy'=>'term', 'taxonomy2'=>'term2')
    	foreach ($taxonomies as $key=>$value) {
    		unset($ids); $ids=array();
    		foreach($posts=get_posts($args) as $post) { $ids[]=$post->ID; }
    		if (empty($ids)) return false; // no matches left don't bother continuing
    	return $posts; // we made it: return matching posts
    //simulate a "taxonomy__in" query for 3.0
    $taxonomy = "'genre'";
    $term_ids = "('3', '13')";
    $post_status = "'publish'";
    $post_type = "('post', 'page', 'book', 'project')" ;
    $query = "SELECT $wpdb->posts.* FROM $wpdb->posts
    INNER JOIN $wpdb->term_relationships ON ($wpdb->posts.ID = $wpdb->term_relationships.object_id)
    INNER JOIN $wpdb->term_taxonomy ON ($wpdb->term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = $wpdb->term_taxonomy.term_taxonomy_id)
    WHERE 1=1
    AND $wpdb->term_taxonomy.taxonomy = $taxonomy
    AND $wpdb->term_taxonomy.term_id IN $term_ids
    AND $wpdb->posts.post_type IN $post_type
    AND $wpdb->posts.post_status = $post_status
    GROUP BY $wpdb->posts.ID
    ORDER BY $wpdb->posts.post_date DESC";
    if ($my_posts) {
      foreach($my_posts as $post) {
        <p><a href="<?php the_permalink() ?>" rel="bookmark" title="Permanent Link to <?php the_title_attribute(); ?>"><?php the_title(); ?></a></p>
      <?php }

    MichaelH, is it worth pointing out that our functions do different things?

    Mine allows you to search for posts (or custom posts) which belong to the specified terms in two or more different taxonomies

    Yours allows you to search for posts which belong to any of a specified set of terms within a single taxonomy

    (Correct me if I’m wrong!)

    You are correct though the query I suggested could be used to do that with a little adjustment. But good you pointed that out.

    method: it iterates for each taxonomy, getting the list of post IDs at each step and feeding that list as the accepted list of IDs for each new query, thereby narrowing down the list.) I guess it’s not quite as efficient as doing it directly in SQL, but as far as I can tell it’s basically the same procedure as the plugin.

    The development version of the plugin does use SQL directly. ??

    @yeswework I am not entirely sure how we can try out your function? I have added the function to my functions template, but how can I output the results?

    I found some helpful instructions for doing this with filters here:


    @ancawonka, i just tried too and got it working this way:

    $posts = posts_search (‘produtos’,array(‘prod-categoria’=>$tt,’prod-cols’=>’5-C-P-F-NF-P’));

    the ‘produtos’ is the custom post type i wanna extract posts from, then, this custom post type having 2 custom taxonomies, ‘prod-categoria’ and ‘prod-cols’ am telling the function which terms from those taxonomies i wanna do the search.

    Works fine, i mean the results shown are good.

    Edit: to show the posts, you can use this way:
    foreach($posts as $post) { the_title(); }

    This will just show the post’s title but you get the idea.

    Don’t get it… Someone answer this!

    Trying out @yeswework’s solution but, getting a “Undefined variable: ids” on the line -> $args=array('post_type'=>$post_type,'post__in'=>$ids,$key=>$value);
    Seems like some of you others got it working so?!!

    @lauhakari did u change the function in itself? If not, it means that you are passing a wrong parameter on the second position, for this 'post__in'=>$ids.

    Aaah allright!

    Thought it was the name of the $taxonomy, not the ID!
    Will try it later, got querying terms from different taxonomies working without hacks with WP3.1 ??

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