• Resolved Darek L



    I’ve created new topic (I hope it is ok). I was thinking how to solve the link chcecker (to not copy all the time manually the HTML into draft). So maybe I will generate it automatically using tamplate with PHP code in draft page? Anybody know better solution? More effective or faster PHP code for that? Here it mine so far (however there is problem with spacial Polish characters starting with \u):

    // first need find out which entries in wp_posts are the correct ones
    // so we have to get correct IDs
    $TP_options = get_option("tablepress_tables");
    // looks not friendly
    $TP_options = str_replace("}","",$TP_options);
    $TP_options = str_replace("{","",$TP_options);
    $TP_options = str_replace("\"table_post\":","",$TP_options);
    // now little better
    // however need to now how many IDs (tables are there)
    $TP_options = explode(",",$TP_options);
    $TP_length = explode(":",$TP_options[0]);
    $TP_length = $TP_length[1];
    // so far we know how many tables there are
    // so lets get IDs
    $TP_IDs = array();
    for ($i = 1; $i <= $TP_length; $i++) {
    	$TP_IDs[$i] = explode(":",$TP_options[$i]);
    	$TP_IDs[$i] = $TP_IDs[$i][1];
    	// so we have correct ID
    	// now we have to get content for that ID
    	$queried_post = get_post($TP_IDs[$i]);
    	$TP_content = $queried_post->post_content;
    	// well it looks not so good
    	$TP_content = str_replace("kkstarratings","<br/>",$TP_content);
    	$TP_content = str_replace("div","span",$TP_content);
    	$TP_content = str_replace("[","",$TP_content);
    	$TP_content = str_replace("]","",$TP_content);
    	$TP_content = str_replace('\\"','',$TP_content);
    	$TP_content = str_replace("\\t","",$TP_content);
    	$TP_content = str_replace('"',"",$TP_content);
    	$TP_content = str_replace(",","&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;",$TP_content);
    	$TP_content = str_replace("\\/","/",$TP_content);
    	// now little better
    	$TP_content = apply_filters('the_content', $TP_content);
    	// lets show it



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  • Thread Starter Darek L


    Tobias, This is correct that first I have to check in table wp_options the correct IDs and then print content for each ID?

    I saw that in wp_posts are more entries (rows) than actual tables.

    Plugin Author Tobias B?thge



    thanks for your post, and sorry for the trouble.

    I’m not exactly sure what you are trying to do, but those direct string manipulations are not a good idea. The tables are JSON encoded, so just use json_decode() to turn them into arrays again. I suggest to take a look at the actual TablePress source code for details.
    You will then find that the quickest way to get the table data is to use something like this:

    $table_id = '123';
    $table = TablePress::$table_model->load( $table_id )

    To have TablePress print the HTML in PHP, you could even use the template tag

    echo tablepress_get_table( array( 'id' => '123' ) );


    Thread Starter Darek L




    $table_id = '123';
    $table = TablePress::$table_model->load( $table_id )

    gave me this:

    Fatal error: Access to undeclared static property: TablePress::$table_model

    and this:

    echo tablepress_get_table( array( 'id' => '123' ) );

    just print the table like shortcode does but link checker is not able to see links inside such table.

    I’m not exactly sure what you are trying to do

    So I have to create page (draft) with links without jquery and without HTML table tags and automatically not by copy TablePress HTML export files info draft page manually each time I change single link.


    Plugin Author Tobias B?thge


    Hi Darek,

    when are you running that code? You must wait for this until after the init hook is run.

    And I’m not sure why you’d need the table data without the HTML tags. The link checker plugin can most certainly work with that, as it would otherwise not be able to search through regular posts.
    You will likely just have to remove the echo from that line and instead put the output of that function into the post content of your draft.


    Thread Starter Darek L



    You are right about HTML table tags, it is not problem for link checker but I don’t need them.

    when are you running that code?

    When I manually copy exported TablePress HTML file and past it into draft page, the link checker is able to see it and works fine.

    Now I want to generate it in the same page position (after header but before footer – means content of the draft page) but via PHP code automatically – not sure if this will be working – I hope so.

    And here is the version with json_decode():

    // first find out which of the entries in wp_posts are the correct ones
    $TP_options = json_decode(get_option("tablepress_tables"));
    // get length
    $TP_length = $TP_options->{'last_id'};
    // get IDs
    $TP_IDs = $TP_options->{'table_post'};
    // now lets get content for each ID
    for ($i = 1; $i <= $TP_length; $i++)
    	$queried_post = get_post($TP_IDs->{$i});
    	$TP_content = $queried_post->post_content;
    	// well it looks not so good
    	$TP_content = str_replace("kkstarratings","<br/>",$TP_content);
    	$TP_content = str_replace("div","span",$TP_content);
    	$TP_content = str_replace("[","",$TP_content);
    	$TP_content = str_replace("]","",$TP_content);
    	$TP_content = str_replace('\\"','',$TP_content);
    	$TP_content = str_replace("\\t","",$TP_content);
    	$TP_content = str_replace('"',"",$TP_content);
    	$TP_content = str_replace(",","?????",$TP_content);
    	$TP_content = str_replace("\\/","/",$TP_content);
    	// now little better
    	$TP_content = apply_filters('the_content', $TP_content);
    	// so lets show it


    Thread Starter Darek L


    Tobias, Of course the content should be written into db as draft page. Now the PHP code above only print on screen and link checker don’t see it yet. So when I reload the draft page it will refresh the draft db content ?? This is how it should be ??

    Thread Starter Darek L


    So the manual copy and paste into draft will be done automatically by PHP code assigned to draft page and activated during reload of that draft page ?? smart isn’t it? ??

    Thread Starter Darek L



    So here it is and working fine with link checker. Tested on development site.

    // first find out which of the entries in wp_posts are the correct ones
    $TP_options = json_decode(get_option("tablepress_tables"));
    // get length
    $TP_length = $TP_options->{'last_id'};
    // get IDs
    $TP_IDs = $TP_options->{'table_post'};
    // lets go thru all IDs and create content
    $TP_draftcontent = "";
    for ($i = 1; $i <= $TP_length; $i++)
    	// add table id just for fun ;)
    	$TP_draftcontent .= "\n" . $TP_IDs->{$i} . "\n";
    	// get content for given ID
    	$queried_post = get_post($TP_IDs->{$i});
    	$TP_content = $queried_post->post_content;
    	// well it looks not so good
    	$TP_content = str_replace("kkstarratings","\n",$TP_content);
    	$TP_content = str_replace("div","span",$TP_content);
    	$TP_content = str_replace("[","",$TP_content);
    	$TP_content = str_replace("]","",$TP_content);
    	$TP_content = str_replace('\\"','',$TP_content);
    	$TP_content = str_replace("\\t","",$TP_content);
    	$TP_content = str_replace('"',"",$TP_content);
    	$TP_content = str_replace(",","   ",$TP_content);
    	$TP_content = str_replace("\\/","/",$TP_content);
    	// now little better
    	$TP_content = apply_filters('the_content', $TP_content);
    	// add it and go to next
    	$TP_draftcontent .= $TP_content;
    // lets print it for check
    // so lets update the draft now with new content
    $post_settings = array('ID' => get_the_ID(), 'post_content' => $TP_draftcontent);

    I know it would be better if there would be button for it ?? maybe someday ??


    Plugin Author Tobias B?thge



    I’m still now sure that your code is really necessary, compared to the TablePress template tag function or the other function that retrieves the table data, but if it works, that’s of course what matters ?? Nice to hear that you found this as a temporarily solution at least.

    Best wishes,

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