• Hello,

    (WP 5.8)

    I am new to WP and I realize that it is not easy …: – 0, I already thought that
    this tool was much more affordable and did WYSIWYG but apparently it isn’t or I couldn’t find a way .. ??
    (it would have facilitated a lot of things though !!!).
    In short it’s like that !!!
    To come to my question, I would like to be able to position a widget or a block in general at a specific location on my page but it always displays it to me on the left.
    (I know that I can sometimes play on the alignment but I would really like to have a precise place in relation to the position of my cursor)
    then be able to modify the appearance of the widget (color and size) for example for the calendar I did not find how to customize its size and modify the colors .. ??
    (if possible, I would like to avoid going through a css).

    Rem: I tried to install the plug-in: “WP Fullcalendar” but it displays it to me on the whole width of the page and I do not see or customize its size and colors either.
    or else you have to add another plug-in (for the colors), hello the gas plant …. !!
    Thank you very much for your advice and lived experiences … because I’m having a lot of trouble ..: – ((

    • This topic was modified 3 years, 3 months ago by Jan Dembowski. Reason: Moved to Fixing WordPress, this is not an Developing with WordPress topic
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  • The problem about positioning at your cursor is ‘responsive design’.

    As in your cursor may be in one place on one size screen and in another on a mobile.

    Better to think of the page as a grid.

    So you want to place a block on the right side of the grid.

    First add a column block, and drop that block into the right hand column.

    Thread Starter fabx77


    thank you for your answer but by searching on the net, I believe, moreover, that it was in the assistance wordpress … ??
    I saw however that we could position a block (in the example it was a text)
    relative to the precise positioning of the cursor. (I had seen the demo).
    afterwards I do not see the connection too much if it concerns a PC, tablet or mobile display ???? since the theme I have chosen is responsive.
    (therefore adapts to all devices)

    Regarding the notions of group and columns, I don’t really know what this corresponds to when we insert a widget ???

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