• I am unable to determine how to populate my “contact” and “about” fields … they appear on the homepage template but I can’t make them operative. Suggestions?

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  • Alot of times theme authors comment these out. Look in your index.php or side.php files for something that looks like
    <!--About some text-->
    Just remove the <!-- --> from around that and you should be set.


    How about telling us which theme is in use on your blog?
    How about a link? – the best way to get an answer when asking style/design/display related questions ??

    Hello all!

    I have exactly the same problem. New WordPress install. Total babe-in-the-woods at this.

    I’ve chosen a theme called Emphemeral (if that’s important?)

    In the header.php file I’ve created this code to make a button and it appears correctly on my site https://www.lpmceachern.com :

    <li<?php if (is_page(‘3’)) echo ” id=\”current\””; ?>>About the Artist

    So how can I link this button (is that the correct term?) to a page?

    Thank you all!

    Belay that question – I figured it out!

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