I have got below reply from smart slider plugin forum. So do i need replace the code with smart slider shortcode in all the below mentioned pages?
This theme(givingpress lite) has multiple templates, which means, that this codepart can be found in multiple files, and based on some settings, different ones are loading on the different pages/posts. Like I can find the banner in the page.php file, and in these files as well:
In this case all of them have the same code to make that banner:
<?php if ( has_post_thumbnail() ) { ?>
<div class=”feature-img page-banner” <?php if ( ! empty( $thumb ) ) { ?> style=”background-image: url(<?php echo esc_url( $thumb[0] ); ?>);” <?php } ?>>
<h1 class=”headline img-headline”><?php the_title(); ?></h1>
<?php the_post_thumbnail( ‘giving-featured-large’ ); ?>
<?php } ?>
what you should remove, and just write our code there with your slider’s ID:
echo do_shortcode(‘[smartslider3 slider=15]’);
But for example at my posts another code is used there, which is inside the header.php file, and it is a longer code, so I’ll tell the beginning and the end. It starts from line 158. for me:
<!– BEGIN #header –>
and ends at line 212., so one line under the “END #header”:
<!– END #header –>
You could remove that whole part, and write our shortcode there:
echo do_shortcode(‘[smartslider3 slider=15]’);
Rather have a backup of the files, in case you need to modify them differently, as you do on first try.