Hey there, @todga! Thanks for contacting us. I’m happy to help you.
The guide @serafinnyc is a great resource ??
But to clarify things a bit further:
To have different prices for different places you need to set up Shipping Zones.
You can set up different prices for each city, and group the ones that will have the same price.
You can also set up shipping zones by state, country, and even Zipcodes.
You can find more about this in this guide.
You can also check this specific section to see more about shipping methods.
Now, if you need the products within the same shipping zone to have different shipping prices, you will need to create the shipping classes.
Let’s say you have a product(X) that weighs 1 pound and another one(Y) that weighs 10 pounds and you need product X to have a $5 shipping price to city A and product Y to have a $10 shipping price to city A. Then you would need to add different shipping classes to them and set this up on the flat rate shipping.
But if the shipping will be the same for all products and what changes is only the price for the location, setting up the shipping zones and shipping methods is enough ??
I hope this was clarifying. Please let us know if there’s anything else we can do to help or if you have any questions.
Have a wonderful day!