tl;dr there is no way and your concerns are ill founded.
Catacaustic and Jan suggested trying to find a different security plugin that meets your requirements, but doing what you want is virtually impossible, short of rewriting the bulk of the core admin code. As catacaustic also pointed out, “wp-admin” is hardcoded into too many locations for renaming to be feasible.
The fact that wp-admin is visible on your front end is meaningless. Every hacker in the world is aware of wp-admin, visible or not. Your site has many other WP “signatures” that announce to the world that wp-admin exists. There is no denying it, nor is there any reason to. What you’re trying to accomplish is security by obscurity, which any security expert will tell you is not real security, even if in some cases there is a small, tangible benefit.
Jan linked to an article on many ways to harden your installation. There are several ways to limit access to wp-admin that are much more effective then trying to hide it. You would need to allow access to anyone needing to edit images. If that is everyone, then you don’t really have any alternatives. Allowing anyone to alter files on your server is more of a risk than the existence of wp-admin. I’m not saying there is a security hole here, only that alteration of files is generally a riskier operation than simply serving content.
You are already using a security plugin. The biggest remaining risk to your site is using dodgy, unmaintained plugins or themes. If you avoid those and use good strong passwords there’s nothing to worry about.