Hey @basilsiva – Thank you very much for your message, as well as for your interest on our plugin.
You can make that work in two different ways:
1. Using our free version
Withhin our free version, mostly any webhook action also offers an argument called do_action. This argument allows you to trigger some custom lines of code within your PHP code. You can use this feature to create your own code snippet to save the ACF fields the way you require them.
2. Using the pro version:
Within the pro version, we do offer a direct integration with ACF through the manage_acf_data argument. This argument accepts a JSON formatted string that integrates with all of the functions from ACF. Using this argument, you can update any value given by ACF.
An example value could look like this:
"selector": "first_custom_key",
"value": "Some custom value"
"selector": "second_custom_key",
"value": { "some_array_key": "Some array Value" }
To learn more about all of the a available functions, feel free to take a look at them on the ACF website: https://www.advancedcustomfields.com/resources/#functions