Hi Marc!
Currently there is no such button and/or link implemented. “Only” the print styles get loaded.
It just gets loaded in the moment you use the “print preview” or actual “print” function of your browser(s).
The reason for that current behavior is simple:
To have a really simple plugin that gets the print styles loaded. Without any overbloat.
It’s not a big deal to add a button or link anywhere on the site via such a plugin, the problem is more that I do not know any config users might already have. This is, because A LOT of plugins (even themes) inject stuff at the beginning or end of the content area. So I can never predict where my print button/ link will land.
However, I am planning on doing some extended/ pro version of that plugin that will have some shortcode, widget, and/or auto functionality for injecting a print button/link on pages/posts.
Hope that helps in the meantime.
Thanks, Dave ??