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  • A quick look shows that the images you are using in your gallery are around 11mb each, which is far too big.

    Reduce them to around 100-250kb and you should see a drastic increase in the speed of your site.

    You can also use this site to measure the speed of your site.

    J M


    Have a look at the report generated from GTMetrix for your site: Here.

    You don’t have to worry about getting things perfect, but it will give you an idea of where you can improve things (using Gzip file compression for example).

    Thread Starter rkrusty26


    @creatrix yeahh in air force museum albums these pics are really big in size.. but take a look to this : in this gallery some of pics are in kb still in this album it is taking too much time to open and while i am clicking on next for change pic that changing time is also not good.

    Thread Starter rkrusty26


    @ hiphopineglish

    (using Gzip file compression for example).

    please tell me more about this i have no idea what you want to say.. please elaboate

    Thread Starter rkrusty26


    @hiphopenglish i managed to enable Gzip compression but still there is problem while i am trying to view images you can see new GTMetrix result and comparison with homepage and gallery…
    please give me advise

    J M


    Getting your website to be as fast as possible is a bit of trial and error thing I’ve found (though there are lots of best practice tips and advice out there).

    WP Tuts Plus has a nice article you could start by reading. It involves some additions/changes to your .htaccess file.

    Also, if you are the site dev, consider logical steps: Do I need to serve up this much content? Could I serve up this content in a better way? More (larger) content generally means a longer load time.

    You also need to consider your hosting. If your site brings in a lot of traffic and you’re on shared hosting you might consider upgrading.

    Start by tweaking things by following the advice given on GTMetrix and the Tuts Plus article I linked. If there is terminology you’re not sure about, Google is your best friend.

    Thread Starter rkrusty26


    I tried ever thing which is given in the article and one thing
    i want to tell you that i am happy with speed of my site, but not happy with speed of gallery, when i open gallery images its take too much time to open images and when i click next its also takes too much time to change images, no matter images size is big or not both of taking more time to open.

    as i uploaded same hd images on fb. its loaded in a second. is there any way to make my gallery as fast as fb gallery?

    J M


    Understood. You’ll have to wait till I get home and can look at your site using Firebug. In the meantime have a close look at the JS lightbox style plugin you’re using for your gallery. Is there a better/more efficient way to load your gallery? Is there a support forum for said plugin where you can ask for help/tips/advice? Are you loading your images resourcefully or wastefully? E.g. if the res is 8000×8000 that’s wasteful. You don’t need that high a res for screen display, and no doubt the file size will be larger too.

    Thread Starter rkrusty26


    i looked my nextgen gallery/fancybox setting and here are the answers of your questions…

    Q.) Is there a better/more efficient way to load your gallery?
    A.) i think no, but is there any way to display all images as same as now by which it look attractive then i will definately accept that.

    Q.) Is there a support forum for said plugin where you can ask for help/tips/advice?
    A.) yes i contacted them through nextgen gallery support according to them i need to optimize my website or you can see that thread here

    Q.)Are you loading your images resourcefully or wastefully? E.g. if the res is 8000×8000 that’s wasteful. You don’t need that high a res for screen display, and no doubt the file size will be larger too
    A.)image resolution is 1920×1080

    if you need any more info then please tell me… and no problem i will wait for your reply.
    thanks in advance

    J M


    It seems you haven’t followed the advice given to you on that other thread. This image alone is 5.9MB!!

    You’re loading at least 10 of these on each gallery page, so it’s no surprise your site is loading slowly! 10.9MB x at least 10 = a lot!

    Thread Starter rkrusty26


    yes because in some gallery i uploaded big images for checking site performances you can check here

    in this gallery images are not more then of some kbs. but still loading time is slow.

    or you can visit this gallery here resolution of images is 800×600 and image size is exists in kbs. also .

    loading time when i change images is also too low.

    J M


    I’m in Spain and the two pages you linked loaded fine for me! Both on initial load and when requesting the gallery. The gallery opened in about 2.5 secs but of course all the images were there to scroll through once loaded.

    Thread Starter rkrusty26


    sorry for late reply i was busy somewhere…… i was not talking about speed of pages site loading in approx 2-3 sec.

    but i was talking about when i click on any image, the loading time of image is slow and when i click to next image changes time is also slow…

    if you loaded this page previously then please clear your cache or use another browser to check this..

    dont know what to do with this

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