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  • WP Gallery Custom Links should work with Jetpack without having to make changes, except maybe some settings. Do you have a link to the gallery that’s not working properly, can you tell me what value(s) you have for Gallery Link URL, Gallery Link Target, and Gallery Link OnClick Effect on the problematic image(s), and can you describe what you’re expecting to happen that’s not?

    Thread Starter dtrcka


    I have not yet set anything up, I was just trying to figure out how to get the custom URL and have failed. I am not suggesting that this plugin doesn’t work, I just have no idea how to get the URL from the gallery – please read my original question again.

    am still not able to figure out how to get the wp gallery URL or how to specify my own. Where would I type $custom_url = get_post_meta( $attachment_id, ‘_gallery_link_url’, true ); as specified in FAQ #4?

    also is not helping me.

    I have no experience editing php files



    Please see the screenshot for where to enter your custom links:

    You shouldn’t need to edit code for the plugin to work with Jetpack unless something’s wrong or missing somewhere, and you shouldn’t need that code snippet unless you’re coding your own gallery layout.

    Thread Starter dtrcka


    Hi Fourlightsweb
    I am able to see where to put a custom link in, but FAQ #4 you suggest of how to get a URL that WP Gallery automatically generates and keeps it in the picture’s META. In FAQ #4 you suggest typing

    $custom_url = get_post_meta( $attachment_id, ‘_gallery_link_url’, true );

    I don’t understand where to type this into, into the Gallery Link URL field? is there a way of extracting the URL that WP generates?

    would you suggest I generate a NextGen gallery and then get the link from there? But what if I just want to use the WP Gallery, how would I get the URL from it?

    I guess my understanding of how WP gallery works is so primitive that my question is really not clear.


    If you’re just trying to get the URL of an uploaded image, WordPress has built-in functions for that (e.g., or you can copy and paste the value from the media library if you’re looking to get the URL manually. WP Gallery Custom Links allows you to replace the automatically generated URLs with custom URLs in a gallery. If this is not your end goal, you probably don’t need this plugin.

    In terms of using WP Gallery Custom Links, maybe this user-made video will help:

    If you’re using a WordPress core gallery by itself, or with the Jetpack plugin, all you should need to do is enter a custom link for each image like in the screenshot I linked above, and it should automatically swap in that custom link when the gallery is displayed – no changes at the code level required (assuming your theme is compatible).

    Getting the custom url with get_post_meta() is only provided as an example for designers and developers that are coding/customizing their own galleries and want to pull that information out of the database – this is not something you’d need to do to simply use the plugin.

    The NextGen gallery plugin is completely and entirely separate from the WordPress core gallery shortcode and Jetpack, and is not compatible with WP Gallery Custom Links. If you’re using NextGen for your galleries, you’d need to consult their forum for support.

    Thread Starter dtrcka


    Hi Fourlightsweb
    Now I understand why we are not communicating.

    reading online, I got the impression that one of the functionalities of your plugin is the ability to link a single picture that is displayed on a page/post to a gallery that would open in a same/different window and would allow to view all the pictures within it.

    So I guess what I can do in this case is to use say NextGen plugin to create a gallery, get the link from it (and as it will be stored within my webpage) and I could use your plugin to link a single image to this gallery.

    Seeing your FAQ#4 gave me the false feeling that WP gallery creates a gallery URL and if I extract it, I could point a single picture to it. in another words, say I have a post where I have this gallery and all the pictures within. Then if I had a page where I just want to have a single image that links to this gallery within that post, this URL and your plugin would allow me to do so.

    any thoughts on this, since this should be clear as to my intentions?

    your help is much appreciated and I really thank you

    Ah okay, so you would have Page A that uses a normal WordPress gallery with WP Gallery Custom Links so each image in that gallery would link to Pages B, C, D, etc., and then Page B displays a particular NextGen gallery, Page C displays a different NextGen gallery, etc.? That sounds like it should work fine. ??

    Thread Starter dtrcka


    Yes, just like that.

    still, using your code

    $custom_url = get_post_meta( $attachment_id, ‘_gallery_link_url’, true ); as specified in FAQ #4?

    how can I extract the link? I’d rather use this link to WP gallery than to NextGen gallery. any advice on that?



    Thread Starter dtrcka


    Here is an example of what I described above, but using all WP galleries (no NextGen galleries):

    “Gallery Test Parent” is a page that has a WP Gallery on it. Each of the 2 images has a custom link entered manually by me by typing in a page URL into the “Gallery Link URL” field created by WP Gallery Custom Links, as seen in the screenshot above. These custom links link to the Gallery Test Child 1 and Gallery Test Child 2 pages, respectively. Each of the child pages contains its own standard WP gallery with no custom links (all images go to the attachment pages).

    get_post_meta() was not used at all in this example, and no changes were made at a code level – it was all done using pages, galleries, and entering custom links when editing a gallery with the standard UI.

    Thread Starter dtrcka


    Thank you, this will do.
    have a great weekend.


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