• Hi everyone! I just started a new blog and it is showing alllll the categories I have created, even ones with (0) posts showing. How can I get it to only show the categories that are being used so far? I don’t like how having empty categories looks, but I want to keep them as options to select as I post more. Anyone? THANKS

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  • Don’t think that it wouldbe possible without hacking up the wordpress files — and before you ask, I don’t know how to do it, sorry ??

    I may be wrong, however, there may be a plugin that lets you do this.

    Did you know that you can actually add categories direct from the Write Post page?

    First, figure out which Category Tag your theme is using. Here’s a list of them.

    Suppose you’re using wp_list_cats(): A quick glance at the codex (use that link) tells us that by default it will hide empty categories in the list. Perhaps your theme overrides this?

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