• I know… OLD subject .. but for a newbie this is paramount. How can we modify the Dashboard? Our users really do not need to see all that plugin and how to info and be subjected to the offers to go away from the site and explore how they can insist we enhance with some new plugins … and new this and new that…. A nice clean Dashboard would be so welcome… I really would appreciate your comments and assistance.

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  • That’s all in the wp-admin folder.

    Look for: index.php, index-extra.php and go from there.

    But you’ll have to repeat everything once you do an upgrade.

    Thread Starter steverf


    Hello 5115, Thanks… So if one does not know PHP very well, we are out on a tree limb ?.. I understand about the replace everytime I upgrade…currently running 2.3.3 Sure with there was a easier way than PHP editing…
    I will look carefully, before I do anything…
    Maybe someone will have a more novice soluton..smile…


    Just make a backup of the files you want to edit in case something gets messed up. Then you’ll be fine.

    Thread Starter steverf


    Hello 5115,
    Well, I will give it a shot and see how bad I mess things up. Will do on the backup for sure. I wonder if someone has created a plug-in (something I have not used yet) that would make this easier for us (older) novices..
    Many Thanks,
    Will let you know how badly I screw it up…

    Thread Starter steverf


    Hello 5115,
    OK, I looked and not being a PHP programmer I now have the total jitters…YIKES… I can see where I could really screw this up.

    Then it’s best probably to leave it alone… unless if you can hire a programmer to change the dashboard for you.

    Don’t ever forget the “magic” search button…
    You scroll up > click Extend > PLugins and do a search, for example for “simple dashboard”

    Thread Starter steverf


    Thanks ! I am looking at those plug-in’s now…


    It’s not too spectacular, but I tried a bunch of different solutions and settled on this for my WP 2.6.1


    However I wish there was a better solution. I still had to manually hack my /wp-admin/admin-footer.php to get rid of the “Documentation” and “Forum” links down there. Those aren’t the Documentation nor the Forum of my website (it’s WordPress’s forum where you’re reading this now), so those links were quite confusing for my site authors. I would like a plugin to address this.

    I also want to hide that horrible new yellow stripe telling my authors to bug the administrator about upgrading from WP 2.6 to 2.6.1. Now I’ve done the upgrade, but that was embarrassing to the admin (me) for my authors to see a warning message about the backend software. I can’t imagine who thought this “feature” would be helpful for site admins.

    Now I’m using this too, gets rid of the yellow upgrade wordpress notification stripe in my wp-admin area (good for sites with clients and authors),

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