Just to be sure are you creating a new post with gravity forms?
[get_adv_uploads] will only work when used in a post that was created using gravity forms.
files uploaded in form –> post title fields filled out by user in form –> gravity forms creates a new post based on form data –> plugin attaches any files to that new post.
[get_adv_uploads] shortcode will then get a list of all files attached to that post.
IF you want to get ALL files that have been uploaded via gravity forms and are not attached to a post. Then i’m afraid the plugin currently does not support that. I have made this plugin for developers so there are lots of hooks and actions at key points…
You can add some attachment meta data for each file uploaded to mark it as a gravity forms upload by hooking into the action below:
do_action( ‘prso_gform_pluploader_processed_uploads’, $wp_attachment_data, $entry, $form );
This will give you an array of all files uploaded by the plugin and you can just loop them adding a custom meta data tag for each.
Then to show all you file uploads via th gravity forms you just have to grab all the attachments which have that meta data via a wp_query call.
Hope this helps