Namaste connect causing error
Hi i am getting a critical error when i am changing the status off an asignment to for example approved. The error is mainlt caused by the module Namast connect.
Thanks in advance!The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]
Now i noticed that the problem is also in the Namaste main plugin. I am getting a critical error even when i browse the courses content.
PS this happened like one year ago when i updated the Namaste plugin as a critical error accured also back then.
Urgent help needed.
We need full error information.
B?rja med att bes?ka din webbplats ( och kontrollera om du m?rker n?gra synliga problem. D?refter g?r du till sidan d?r problemet intr?ffade ( f?r att kontrollera om du ser n?got d?r.
Kontakta ditt webbhotell f?r att be om mer hj?lp med detta problem.
Om det skulle se ut som om webbplatsen inte fungerar och du inte kommer ?t adminpanelen som du borde, har WordPress nu ett speciellt ”r?ddningsl?ge”. Det l?ter dig p? ett s?kert s?tt logga in i adminpanelen f?r att unders?ka problemet vidare.
[removed by moderator]
F?r att inte ?ventyra s?kerheten p? din webbplats kommer denna l?nk att g?lla endast 1 dag. Oroa dig inte ?ver detta. Om felet skulle intr?ffa igen efter det kommer du att f? ett nytt e-postmeddelande med en ny l?nk.
Om du ber om hj?lp med detta problem kan du bli ombedd att uppge en del av nedanst?ende information:
WordPress-version 6.1.1
Aktivt tema: Namaste LMS! Theme (version 1.0.6)
Nuvarande till?gg: Namaste! Connect (version 0.5.6)
PHP-version 8.1.13Uppgifter om felet
Ett fel av typen E_ERROR uppstod p? rad 618 i f?ljande fil: /www/webvol33/i0/z10jsc4dgchkyvf/ Felorsak: Uncaught TypeError: in_array(): Argument #2 ($haystack) must be of type array, null given in /www/webvol33/i0/z10jsc4dgchkyvf/
Stack trace:
#0 /www/webvol33/i0/z10jsc4dgchkyvf/ in_array(‘notice_homework…’, NULL)
#1 /www/webvol33/i0/z10jsc4dgchkyvf/ NamasteConNotice->duplicate(‘notice_homework…’)
#2 /www/webvol33/i0/z10jsc4dgchkyvf/ NamasteConNotice->notice_homework_approved(‘105’, ‘3043’, ‘approved’)
#3 /www/webvol33/i0/z10jsc4dgchkyvf/ WP_Hook->apply_filters(”, Array)
#4 /www/webvol33/i0/z10jsc4dgchkyvf/ WP_Hook->do_action(Array)
#5 /www/webvol33/i0/z10jsc4dgchkyvf/ do_action(‘namaste_change_…’, ‘105’, ‘3043’, ‘approved’)
#6 /www/webvol33/i0/z10jsc4dgchkyvf/ NamasteLMSHomeworkController::change_solution_status(Object(stdClass), ‘105’)
#7 /www/webvol33/i0/z10jsc4dgchkyvf/ NamasteLMSHomeworkController::view(”)
#8 /www/webvol33/i0/z10jsc4dgchkyvf/ WP_Hook->apply_filters(”, Array)
#9 /www/webvol33/i0/z10jsc4dgchkyvf/ WP_Hook->do_action(Array)
#10 /www/webvol33/i0/z10jsc4dgchkyvf/ do_action(‘admin_page_nama…’)
#11 {main}
This reply was modified 1 year, 11 months ago by
Steven Stern (sterndata).
Moderator note: @datakillen ?Please don’t offer to send or post logon credentials on these forums: It is not OK to offer, enter, or send site credentials on these forums. Thanks for your cooperation.
Note that your “login to my site” link was PUBLIC for almost two hours. Check your site to see who might have logged in and what they did.
This reply was modified 1 year, 11 months ago by
Steven Stern (sterndata).
From this error list, all the errors I see are caused by Namaste Connect and not by the core plugin.
The version Namaste! Connect seems to be very old. You need to update your installation to a contemporary version. As an old customer, you are eligible for a 50% discount, so you can contact us on the support email to get the code.
Support and updates are free for 1 year after the original purchase.Hi @sterndata you can delete the links i sent if they contain credentials.
The error is fixed now as i updated the Namaste connect plugin.
Thx for the help! -
This reply was modified 1 year, 11 months ago by
- The topic ‘Namaste connect causing error’ is closed to new replies.