• Hi there, I would like to make this page not private so any user can access their information. At the moment a user has to be logged into the site to view the request but should it not be available to anyone visiting the site?

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Thread Starter Michele Butcher-Jones


    You can change the setting of the page from “Private” to “Public” on the page editor, so then users who are not logged in can still receive their data.

    Hey Michele,

    Good to know. If I make the page public, I’m a bit concerned that anyone can request the data for another person’s email address. Or am I missing something?

    @redcrew; No. Only the filled in email address will receive an email with the link to access the data connected to that email address. Apart from that, the link is only accessible via the IP address AND browser session used when filling in the form.

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