Dear @dev45456 ,
Thanks for the image.
Please, note, that we were able to insert it inside the image popup:
Kindly ask you to clear the website cache with the cache plugin and try again.
If that won’t help, please, proceed as follows:
It is possible that the issue can be a result of the conflict between our plugin and one of the plugins or themes you have.
To figure that out, may we ask you to deactivate all the plugins you have and in case the issue is fixed, by activating the plugins one by one, locating which plugin causes the conflict.
With the same logic, please, try to check the conflict between our plugin and the installed themes.
However, we understand if you wouldn’t want to deactivate your plugins and switch themes on a production site, so it may be preferable that you set up a staging environment for your tests.
Some popular web hosts offer quick setups for a staging site so please contact your web host for assistance. If your web host does not offer staging sites, [this article]( will help you create a staging site.
Please, keep us updated about the results.
Popup Builder Team