Yes, some posts do not get an answer, and after being around here for over a year, I’ll try and explain why.
1. The post is badly worded to the point that what is actually being asked for cannot be worked out. Although we could ask for more info, the poster should be giving lots of information first.
2. Every answer given relies upon that fact that someone else somewhere has come across the problem and posted a solution. If someone is running WP on some obscure Linux code, then we just cannot help unless someone else is too and they have experienced the same problem AND they come here to tell us. This forum relies on information to keep it going.
3. The link in the top post leads to a page where it states that if your post has not got an answer, ask yourself why. Just “*bump*” will not do – it tells us nothing more, and is annoying. Think about how you can help us to help you. The regular forum supporters already spend a great deal of time here answering questions – make it easier for us maybe ?
4. If you do not speak English as your first language, please say so. There are increasing resources (I know of german, italian, japanese, french (?) ) and we may be able to direct you somewhere better.
Overall, just remember something:
Don’t get mad at us for not answering. We come here to help because we like WP, we want to continue to build on what is a great community and we want to assist others in being able to use and enjoy WordPress – it’s not in our interest to leave questions unanswered.