• Hi there,

    I really need help making a Select menu required in one of my CF7 forms.

    I had to use <select> not [select] because it’s a dynamic drop down list using onChange event. source code is on this page: https://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG20-TECHS/SCR19.html

    Here is my current form:

    <h4>Name</h4><br />
        [text* Name]
    <h4>Birth date</h4><br />
        [date* Date date-format:dd/mm/yy change-month change-year]
    <h4>Governorate</h4><br />
    <select name="Governorate" id="governorate" onchange="branchChange(this);" data-msg-required="Please select a governorate." data-rule-required="true">
        <option value="">Select a governorate</option>
        <option value="Cairo">Cairo</option>
        <option value="Alex">Alexandria</option>
    <h4>Location</h4><br />
    <select name="Branch" id="branch" data-msg-required="Please select a branch." data-rule-required="true">
        <option value="">Select a branch</option>
    <h4>Email</h4><br />
        [email* Email]
    <h4>Mobile Number</h4><br />
        [tel* Mobile]
    <h4>Optional Notes</h4><br />
        [textarea Notes 60x3/1000 placeholder "Need to tell us anything else?"]
    <br />
    <p>[submit "Register ?"]</p><br />

    Tried so many techniques but they all of them didn’t work with CF7.
    I would really appreciate any help because it’s extremely important to make these select menu required before users submit the form.


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