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  • Put these in on the pages for your theme for previous and next 5 entries…
    <?php posts_nav_link(”,”,’« Previous Entries’) ?>
    <?php posts_nav_link(”,’Next Entries »’,”) ?>

    And these are for when you click on an entry and want to show the previous and next single entry…
    <?php previous_post(‘« %’,’Previous Entry’,’no’,’yes’) ?>
    <?php next_post(‘ % »’,’Next Entry’,’no’,’yes’) ?>

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    Hmm…I don’t think that does what I want.

    Basically, I want to create something like this:


    “1” is home page
    “2” goes to /index.php?paged=2
    “3” goes to /index.php?paged=3

    and the last page number is also there…

    I would suggest to use a Recent Posts plugin.
    Though, you may have to do some serious css work.
    There is a likely solution in Mentor’s Horizona theme.

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