• ResolvedPlugin Author theMikeD


    @morktron asked how to make it work outside of an archive page. I would have replied there but the topic is closed and I can’t seem to re-open it.

    I will be pushing an update once WP 4.3 and Genesis 2.2 are dropped that addresses this. There is a new option called term in the arguments array sent to gtaxi_get_taxonomy_image() that accepts a term object. If present and valid, the image for that term will be retrieved.

    Hope that helps.


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  • Ok, excellent thanks Mike, much appreciated ??

    I had to use another plugin in the end but I use taxonomy images on most projects so I’ll refer back to here.

    Meanwhile I look forward to your updates. Thanks again cheers


    Looking forward to this. Thanks, Mike.

    Nice update, works great! I think I tested & rejected this plugin in the past specifically because it lacked this functionality. Thank you for adopting & updating it!

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