I’m bit lost in all these links, sorry.
If you are talking about this snippet here:
2) Filters version – 2.a) Customizr
this would be my suggestion:
add_filter('tc_fp_single_display', 'add_title_link', 20, 6);
function add_title_link($html, $fp_single_id, $show_img, $fp_img, $featured_page_link, $featured_page_title){
$link = '<a href="'.$featured_page_link.' target="_blank">'.$featured_page_title.'</a>';
return preg_replace('/<h(.*?)>'.$featured_page_title.'(.*?)<\/h(.*?)>/', '<h$1>'.$link.'$2</h$1>',$html);
but of course the same result can be achieved with the js or the customizr-pro version of the same snippet.
Are we both on the same line here with this issue?