First of all, thank you for choosing ‘nano blogger’.
As you can see it’s a theme too old, but still works, we are actually thinking to make a serious update to the theme. So ASAP we will go for that inshALLAH, and you will get a better one. ??
BTW the feature what you are thinking to accomplish won’t be provided as it violates’s regulations. But you can do it in your end making a “Child Theme”.
Templates responsible for showing all the posts, are:
So to do such changes you have to make the similar files in your child theme and add the comment template there. BTW showing all the comments there would be messy! ??
But you can show the comment count easily. Follow the codex page:
And we will surely gonna add such a feature in our future release inshALLAH.
So that’s all for now.