Hi @prodigito
Right now, this is unavailable as a default feature to make some fields of the Add new product form. This will require proper customization.
The weight, height, width are not included in our Dokan lite and as per the forum’s rule, we are unable to discuss it. But let me inform you that anything that is not included in the initial product upload form will need to be included in the form first and then you can make them required by making the necessary changes in the code.
As per our support policy, we are unable to provide you with a custom solution. But I can provide you with some clues to proceed further.
If you are using the product pop form to add a new product then you can have a look at wp-content\plugins\dokan-lite\templates\products\tmpl-add-product-popup.php
this file. In this form, the product title, price, and category fields are already made required. To do that JS has been used and for a reference on how to do it, you can have a look at wp-content\plugins\dokan-lite\assets\js\dokan.js
this file’s line number 928.
If you are using the regular form then that is being rendered from wp-content\plugins\dokan-lite\templates\products\new-product.php
this file. Here the required fields are checked using wp-content\plugins\dokan-lite\includes\Product\functions.php
this file’s dokan_save_product
If you are referring to the product edit form then you will need to have a look at wp-content\plugins\dokan-lite\templates\products\new-product-single.php
this file.
I believe this information will assist you to proceed with the customization needed to fulfill your requirement.