Hi @moshe1111
I am sorry, a standalone CSS is not enough for that, since if you would like to icon styled buttons, then you also need to modify the HTML structure and add the icons that is associated with the corresponding provider.
All of these would mean more work, than simply using our shortcode as my colleague suggested.
So I am not really sure, if you added that HTML with our button link manually or it comes from your theme, but you need to find that place where that HTML is coming from and you need to modify there.
I see you used Elementor to build this page, so if you also added the HTML there, then you should simply replace that html with our shortcode like:
[nextend_social_login style="icon"]
or if it comes from your theme, then you need to find which file of your theme adds that html with our social button link – you can find it like you see here: https://smartslider3.helpscoutdocs.com/article/318-chrome#code – and then you could replace that HTML with some PHP code like:
<?php echo do_shortcode('[nextend_social_login style="icon"]'); ?>