• Hi

    i am very new to the wordpress world and i was wondering if there is a way i can have a menu and static pages like about us,contact etc

    can someone please guide me to the place where i can find it how to do it

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  • First you will have to “guide” us to your blog or at least to the homepage of the theme you are using… and explain a bit better what exactly sgould be in that “menu” of yours.

    Thread Starter coolcellmunda



    is my blog that i am working on and i was a drupal user and now decided to try out wordpress

    It looks like your theme has a section for navigation (I’m assuming that’s what the section in the upper right of the sidebar labeled “Menu” is for ?)…but there is either no code there to list the pages, or you have not yet created any pages (using the admin panel Write>Page)

    So first try creating a page or two (About, Contact, etc) using Write >Page and see if they pop into that Menu section. If not the code is missing but you can put it there by either editing your sidebar.php file to add it, or just using a widget (from the Admin panel Design>Widgets )

    If you aren’t able to use a Widget, which is the easiest, then go to that section in your sidebar right below that heading (Menu) and add this:
    <?php wp_list_pages('title_li='); ?>

    depending on your theme’s style you may need to wrap it in a ul tag

    If that doesn’t do exactly what you want post again with more clarity so we can help

    That’s nice (and welcome to WP) but I still have no idea what menu are we talking about. Where do you want it?
    Something that just lists your Pages?
    > Template_Tags/wp_list_pages

    Thread Starter coolcellmunda


    thanks trisha that explains it all and i will try it out and will post the results

    also i have one more question how can i remove the blogroll and meta section i will at some point of time will like the users to sign up but not as of now

    Thread Starter coolcellmunda


    i have one more question i have seen websites have big RSS logo on the blogs how can i get that let me post a website that have it ….
    like this website https://www.iphonestalk.com/ on the right sidebar they have a RSS sign on the top how can i get something like that

    Thanks this helped me out! <?php wp_list_pages(‘title_li=’); ?>

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