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  • in the text widget… check if it lets you add PHP code to it, if it does, you can simply just check the URL using PHP and add “disabled” to the link

    <a href="mypage.html" disabled> my link text</a>

    If you can’t add php code to it, then the same can be achieved with javascript.

    On page load you’ll have to do (below is just pseudo code using jQuery to give you an idea):

    <a href="pageA.html" id="linkA">Link A</a>
    <a href="pageB.html" id="linkB">Link B</a>

    JS (on document ready / page load)

       var url = window.location;
       if(url.indexOf('pageA.html') > -1){

    NOTE: In wordpress jQuery loads in comaptibility / safety mode, so the just line of the JS aliases $ to jQuery hence allowing the use of $() function. It also services a dual purpose of checking whether the page has been loaded or not and if so it executes the code in it.


    Thread Starter enigma2k


    Hi Ali,
    thank you very much for your help!
    I don’t know about Javascript so I better stick with PHP.

    I have found a PHP widget that lets you run PHP in the widget.
    But when I put this: <a href="">Language Definition</a> into the widget, nothing happens when I click on it. It won’t be disabled when I am viewing the site.
    Do I have to add some other PHP code to check if the link is the current site?

    Thread Starter enigma2k


    anymore help on this? please, I just don’t get it done!

    Thread Starter enigma2k


    does really no one knows a solution?

    With this code you can at least change the style of te link when on the page.
    only change the pageslug and the other linkproperties.

    <a<?php if(is_page('pageslug')) echo ' class="active"';?> href="/page">the link text</a>

    and in the css you just style the active class after you own wish.

    .active { color:#000000; font-weight:bold; }

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