Hi @chihi108
I hope you are doing well today.
Secondly, people can add dogs max to 4. How can it show in the Calculation total as for example 3 adults + 2 Children + 3 Dogs rather than Total as 8, but a breakdown of 8 as 3 adults + 2 Children + 3 Dogs.
Could you clarify this part more? Is it somehow related to your 1st query about available slots for adults & children’s? Numbers do not match here as 1st request is max 6 and if pets are included max will be 8.
As for the 1st query I made some tests and it almost sounds possible, but I noticed some issues which does not hide 1 child if 6 adults are chosen. I pinged out SLS Team to check my test and we will be back with an update s soon as more information is available.
In short what my test form is doing:
There is a select field with 6 numbers and in Calculations tab I assign each number to own value: 1=1, 2=2, etc.
Later on I made a Calculations field which reads value from that select.
Another step was to make the Repeater field which has repeater settings min and max setup as Variable: {calculation-1}. At this point, the repeater will show adult fields based on the number you choose from the select field. For example: 4.
The next step was to create another Calculations field {calulation-2} with the formula: 6-{calculation-1}. With that, we will calculate how many available slots we still have for kids. For example 6-4=2.
Now you create another repeater for kids. This time Variable is set up to read from {calulation-2}. So if you choose 4 adults, in repeater 2 you will have only 2 available slots for kids.
The main issue I have noticed is that if you choose 6 adults, there is still 1 or more kid slots available, so formula 6-6=0 does not seem to work correctly to hide that 1 kid slot. For this part, I need to consult with the SLS Team, mentioned above.
Here is currect example of my test:
Kind Regards,