• Resolved ferbis



    I have made use of the shortcode [matador_jobs] to display a job listing on a website. I have specified that only one type of jobs would be displayed. So for example, we have jobs from types X, Y and Z which are imported from Bullhorn. On this website, I only want to make use of jobs from type X, so I have entered the shortcode [matador_jobs type=X]. Now it only shows jobs from type X.

    I want to add filters from either the selection menu shortcode or search shortcode to be able to filter jobs on this page. If I add such a shortcode on the same page, it also shows fields (such as location) as options from jobs of type Y and Z.

    How can I make sure these shortcodes will only show fields which are present in jobs from type X, and not types Y and Z?

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  • Plugin Author Jeremy Scott


    Hi ferbis,

    Sorry for the delay. We had to look further into this.

    So, there are two problems here.

    The first is that the results of your [matador_jobs] shortcode query will be scoped to that shortcode only. The [matador_search] shortcode will exist outside of that scope, so it can’t know what is and isn’t in the current results.

    The second is that the [matador_search] drop-downs are populated using a WP_Term_Query which queries on the list of terms, not the list of terms belonging to posts within a query.

    Your request is not possible given core Matador shortcodes. It is possible with a bit of custom code. Here are some general steps you’d need to take:

    1. Make a taxonomy term archive for the types taxonomy.
    2. Loop through found posts querying the other taxonomies (locations, categories), and push taxonomy term IDs to an array.
    3. array_sort() and array_unique() the array of terms, build a drop down on the form field name matador_location or matador_category
    4. Then populate your jobs using the taxonomy term archive template
    5. Copy Matador’s pre_get_posts filter and apply it to the term archive to use our search logic and validation

    I know that is a lot!

    I could alternatively suggest a few sortable posts plugins that would grant your desired behavior via Javascript. We use the premium plugin Sort Table Pro by Barn 2 media (no referral benefit) and they have a powerful front-end, Javascript based filtering capability.

    I hope this helps. Sorry this isn’t easier to accomplish.

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