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  • What’s not working? The email never arrives or it arrives but there is no attachment?

    Thread Starter mshafshak


    it arrives but with no attachment how can i make the files attached in the email

    I tried it but no email showed up (I tried using two different email addresses). It did display links on the page that seemed to work. Do you have it set to Inline Links or to Both? You should probably set it to Both if you’re still trying to debug it.

    I’ve never seen a problem where it didn’t attach the files to the email. If your filenames are “normal” (no weird punctuation or non-english characters) then I think it should work.

    Are you sure that the email is getting delivered properly? Note that it sends 2 emails. One is the notification email that goes to (usually) your admin email address (for your wordpress) then the other email has the attachments and it goes to whatever email address the visitor put into your form. I think you should go make a test gmail account and put that email address in your form when you test & see you get an email to the test address.

    Hey the email finally showed up. There are no attachments and the file titles are listed but are not links.

    So, I think you’re encountering some of the same bugs that I encountered back when I first set up EBD. It’s been a few months since I did that. I ended up modifying the code directly to fix things. As I recall, one problem was with the email when doing multiple downloads (checkboxes). The php code in EBD doesn’t work for that scenario. Additionally, when it lists the files in the email it runs them together with a vertical bar | between the names.

    Do you know PHP? If you know PHP then you can take a look at the changes I made to my copy (diff it against the one you have). There aren’t a lot of changes, but one or two of them affect the flow of the program (in order to fix the bugs above). I made it work, but I think I made it where it won’t work in certain cases (but I can’t remember exactly).

    Anyway, if you know PHP & you know how to do a diff then gimme an email address & I’ll mail you my modified copy and you can try it & see it works for you.

    I don’t remember exactly, but I think my changes might not work if you’re using the old version of Download Monitor. If you think you might want to try my modified version, put in here what version of everything you are using (Download Monitor, EBD, Contact Form 7)

    Thread Starter mshafshak


    contact from 7 Version 4.2.2
    Download monitor Version 1.8.0
    Email Before Download Version 3.4

    yea i know PHP if u send it i will understand definitely whats happening but as u saw the email sent doesn’t have the links or files attached whether its single attachment or multiple

    I went back and looked at my changes and realized they were for something else and not related to the problem you’re seeing.

    I looked at the email that your system sent out to me when I tested your form. I think the problem is that that email is the Notification Email (probably). The Notification Email is not supposed to go to the website visitor (the guy who filled out the form). The Notification Email is supposed to go you (the website administrator). The Notification email is configured in Contact Form 7 in the tab where you configure the To and From and such. I’m thinking maybe you put the [your-email] code or whatever it is into the To: field by mistake. The To: should go to your normal wordpress admin email address — hard code it in there if you want.

    For EBD, if you select “Both” or “Email” in the EBD settings, then EBD will automatically send an email to the address the user typed in the form (the your-email field). You do not have to set that up, it’s automatic. That is a different email from the notification email.

    When you test, you should be using a test email address (or something that is not your admin email address). Thus, if it works, you should be getting 1 email to the wordpress admin (the notification email) that tells the admin (you) that some visitor selected some checkboxes to download files. And, there should be another email that does to the visitor (which is your test email address).

    I still think the issue is the notification email vs. the email as I said above, but in case that’s not it, just a couple of other thoughts:

    i don’t think this should matter, but you might want to make sure Masking is turned off in the EBD settings.

    also, turn off unrelated plugins & see if that makes a difference.

    Thread Starter mshafshak


    EBD doesn’t send an automatic email, it sends the contact form 7 email and this i can change, but isn’t supposed to send a default email ? because it isn’t sending the user i can make it sends the admin if i want but whats the point? i want it to send the user an attachment with the files

    EBD sends 2 emails.

    One email is the “notification email” that you configure in CF7. That should go to the wordpress admin (you). That one lets you know that a user has filled out the EBD form & it tells you what they downloaded. As long as your admin email address can get email from your wordpress installation then you will get this email. This one usually works just fine.

    The other email goes to the user (the website visitor who filled out the form). That one is sent to whatever email address that the user entered on the form. This email is sent by EBD (not CF7). This is the email that will have the attachments that the user selected on your form. This is the email that people usually have trouble with. In your case, this is the email that is not getting to the user. It is probably being rejected by the user’s email provider (gmail, yahoo, whatever). This often happens because the “From:” of that email doesn’t match the system that is sending it (the system your wordpress is running on at your hosting provider) and you have no configured any of the things that help prove you are not a spammer (like SPF, DKIM, etc).

    If you want, you can try this plugin in order to change the From: so that it matches the same “From:” as on your notification email that you are getting (this is what I do) –

    Or, you can use an SMTP plugin like the one from Jason Hendriks (which is what many people on this support forum use who encountered the same problem you are):

    Note that the custom-sender-for-email-before-download plugin will erase its setting every time you change EBD settings .. meaning you will have to put the From: back in there every time, which is annoying.

    So far, everyone who has used Postman SMTP has solved their problems. Plus, the author checks these forums, so he is very proactive. If I were in your shoes, I would go with it.

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