• Resolved John Webber


    Hi guys,
    Hope you are doing great ??

    I have a stupid question…
    I made a vendor profile. I am able to log in as that vendor through the WordPress login page. It redirects me to the Home page.
    When I open My Account page, it has the Vendor Dashboard button. But, the button links back to the My Account page

    The second issue I’m having is performance.
    (This seems to be a standard issue with Envato themes and plugins…)
    On Google Page Speed Insights, the product page was getting a score of 95. After installing the plugin, it drops down to an insane 50!

    Third question
    Is it possible to have more vendor information on the product page. I’d like to place shortcodes in the sidebar to display:
    – Logo
    – Name
    – Address
    – Short biography
    – Rating
    – Number of sales
    – Date of registration
    – Social profiles
    – Contact vendor

    If you can make a snippet that crates these shortcodes, that would be amazing!

    Best regards

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  • Did you get any revert ? I think the company has shut down. I am having the same issue. Complained about it many times, no response.

    Thread Starter John Webber


    Nope. No answers.
    I am using a different plugin now ??

    Ohh. Which one are you using ? I can try the same

    Thread Starter John Webber


    Well, I guess it depends on what you’ll be selling, what options you want…

    But, after testing ALL of the multivendor plugins, I found that this one didn’t slow down the website at all. And, more importantly, it has the smartest layout and well thought out features:
    Multivendor Marketplace Solution for WooCommerce

    It’s not perfect though… But, none of these plugins are optimized for a digital downloads multivendor shop. So, I wrote on their support form as well

    Though, whether they solve these issues or not, I will continue to use their plugin.
    It’s just intelligently made

    That’s great help ! Yeah, I have also tried different multivendor plugins like wcfm etc. None are much promising. I’ll try this one though.

    Plugin Author RedefiningTheWeb



    Sorry for the delayed response due to vacation we are available with fewer employees that’s why it’s being late.

    The vendor can login using woocommerce form and if you want separate login and signup form then you have to purchase an enterprise version, we would like to inform you there is no effect on your page speed as we enqueue our scripts and other files only on our page not on the whole website so there is no chance of a decrease in page speed. If you have then please let us show.

    Yes, all the above information of the vendor you have asked for can be shown on the product page but available in the enterprise version.

    Mercado WooCommerce Multivendor Enterprise version – https://redefiningtheweb.com/product/mercado-best-woocommerce-multi-vendor-marketplace-solution/

    Thanks & Regards

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