Sorry for the late response: life got in the way!
TL;DR: The “Unverified” users status is from the “User Verification” plugin, but the plugin does not allow listing only unverified users. Configure the plugin to delete unverified users automatically, or ask the plugin’s author for help. Details below.
Well I think that User screen is standard wordpress isn’t it?
Well, I don’t know what’s on the specific screen you’re looking at ??
The “Users” screen itself is a standard WordPress thingy, but plugins can add additional features and settings to any WordPress administration screen.
I have these plugins:
User Verification
New User Approve
Look at the screenshot I’ve added below: it shows the two columns added to the standard WordPress Users screen by these two plugins.
These two plugins serve a similar purpose of managing spam registrations, but they approach the problem from different angles:
— The User Verification plugin sends a verification email to users, asking them to click a link to verify their accounts.
— The New User Approve plugin, on the other hand, lets the site administrator approve newly registered users.
Now to your original question:
I have email verification enabled. So I get a page listing all pending new users and it shows those that are verified and those that are not. I would like to list only the unverified and then I’ll delete them all, assuming them to be spam.
But that feature doesn’t seem to be present. What can I do?
As you can see in the screenshot below:
— the Verified/Unverified statuses are from the “User Verification” plugin
— the “Approved/Pending/Denied” statuses are from the “New User Approve” plugin.
The “New User Approve” plugin provides a feature to filter users by their approval status (see green box), that’s why you only see this plugin’s status in the drop-down menu (Pending/Approved/Denied). This plugin also has a separate administration screen to manage users.
But the “User Verification” plugin, which handles the verification status your question is about, doesn’t have this filtering capability. Neither does it have a dedicated screen for managing users.
What can you do?
— The “User Verification” has a feature to automatically delete unverified users after a (configurable) period if not verified. You may want to enable that to automatically weed out spam registrations that are never going to be verified.
— Ask the plugin’s author to see if there’s some way, perhaps some code snippet you can run, to filter and display unverified users only: