I had the same issue and ended up having to create a shortcode to then place the widget in the Elementor template. The Zip widget hooks in to the normal WooCommerce woocommerce_single_product_summary which of course doesn’t get triggered when creating your own product template in Elementor.
My shortcode contains this if it is of any use to anyone:
if ( ! class_exists( 'WC_Zipmoney_Payment_Gateway' ) ) {
$zip = new WC_Zipmoney_Payment_Gateway();
$zip->WC_Zipmoney_Payment_Gateway_Config = new WC_Zipmoney_Payment_Gateway_Config( $zip );
$zipWidget = new WC_Zipmoney_Payment_Gateway_Widget( $zip );
Ideally, yes, we’d have a nice Elementor widget which the above could easily be converted in to one.